October Loans & Giving Stats!

October Loans & Giving Stats!

We just completed funding our October batch of Kiva loans and were able to fund 10 loans this month. We started back in March with a goal of lending to at least 4 borrowers each month for all of 2018. With the exception of August* we quickly exceeded that goal making at least 8 loans per month!

After completing our October loans, Restart Giving has now made a total of 53 loans with a total val

ue of $1325.00. That breaks down into 48 currently active loans  and 5 loans completely repaid.

One of the most exciting things about micro lending is seeing how broad of an impact the giving makes around the world – currently Restart Giving has made loans to 26 different countries. Here’s a little
graphic that shows where the money has gone….take a look!


Check Out Restart Givings Current Loans

To get a current up to the minute list of our current loans, just click on “Current Restart Giving Kiva Loans” on the Menu Bar at the top of the page. This will take you to our public Kiva Lending page with all of our current loans as well as pictures and loan descriptions for each of our borrowers.

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