Orchard Supply Hardware Contributes $25 To Restart Giving!

Orchard Supply Hardware Contributes $25 To Restart Giving!

This last weekend the family and I were visiting one of the remaining Orchard Supply Hardware stores asrestart giving profit $28 eBay resale items they were preparing to shut the doors for good. Lowes, the parent company of OSH decided to close all of the OSH stores a couple months back – so as normally happens, merchandise in the store has been on sale starting at 10% and now up to 90% off!


We knew things would be pretty well picked over when we walked in – the store we visited in Monrovia only had one more day to stay open. As we were leaving, my wife points to a couple of cordless battery chargers that are still on the rack – both at 80% off! One was a Craftsman and the other was a Bosch. I was immediately drawn to the Bosch, but after a quick search of eBay recent sales, I found that there was probably less than $10 profit if that. But to my surprise, the Craftsman charger was selling like hot cakes on eBay with profits of $25+!!!


I went ahead and made the purchase, going all in for about $12. Yesterday I listed the charger on eBay for $54 and within 2 hours it was SOLD SOLD SOLD!!! That was a quick profit of about $28 after eBay /Paypal and shipping fees. Total time spent, about 25 minutes including in the store, listing and shipping.

Here’s the link to our listing:


I’d love to find more deals like that – so always keeping an open eye! You just never know what you’ll find.


YouTube Videos Great Resource

I have to give a shout out to many of the eBay resellers who make and post videos on YouTube – if it weren’t for watching those videos, I probably wouldn’t have even thought to try reselling a battery charger.


So that’s $28 more that we’ll have available moving forward with our Kiva lending. Stay tuned – the first of the month is just around the corner so we’ll give an income update for October as well as detail the loans we make in early November…. good stuff!

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